On this episode, Alyssa recaps April and its many exciting and difficult moments. To start off, Alyssa talks about the difficulties of being without a home. Alyssa and her family are still waiting to move into the apartment at the office. She can’t wait to have a real bed and to stop eating gas station food!
Alyssa talks about the Rogers cat, Ginny and her exciting surprise, as well as recapping her early April speaking engagement at Service Nation in Nashville. Alyssa spoke about the power of podcasting and thanks all of her listeners for making her podcast possible.
To wrap up the episode, Alyssa talks about Rogers’ most recent company event. The Rogers’ team did the Rusty Wallace Experience–yes, that’s right, they became race car drivers for the day!
Alyssa puts emphasis on the importance of taking care of your team, getting our of your comfort zone & not assuming people know you care about them.